What Is Amblyopia?

Amblyopia, often called "lazy eye" view of the poor in the eyes is normal. In early childhood, the child's brain is actively developing the visual pathway from the eye to the visual processing center.

This process occurs in the first months of life until about 8 to 10 years, after which the path set permanently.

If the development of the visual pathways is blocked, the affected eye may never develop good vision.

Some of the most common causes of amblyopia include various forms of strabismus (misalignment of the eyes), uncorrected refractive error, cataract newborn, or ptosis ( "droopy eyelids").

What are the symptoms of amblyopia?

There may be no symptoms. Because vision problems of amblyopia affect only one eye, the child can function with one good eye and are not aware of the problem. Early detection is important.

Image result for amblyopia

Image Source: Google

How is amblyopia diagnosed?

A visual acuity test is an important screening tool. These tests were conducted at schools, health fairs, and primary care clinics, usually begin around 3 or 4 years. If there are complaints regarding visual acuity, a full eye examination is required.

What is included in the treatment of amblyopia?

Treatment of amblyopia in the National Children's designed to address the underlying cause and help the brain use eye that had been overlooked effectively.

Based on their extensive experience, children's ophthalmologist will carefully individualize treatment time of each child and regimen, taking into account what is best suited to the conditions, the age and temperament of the child, and family dynamics.

Treating the underlying cause of amblyopia may involve:

  • Eyeglasses
  • Operation
  • patching
  • patching

Amblyopia treatment may involve the use of patching or atropine eye drops in the well to push the brain to use the affected eye more, create a powerful visual development.