How To Add Electronic Signature To PDF and Word?

Computer applications have been introduced to Internet users to make quick and efficient work processes. Portable Document Format and Word file format is two computer applications that are widely used. This file format is used for flexible and compatible feature them.  If you want to know about how to sign online documents then check

They are used for the purpose of transferring data easily customized across multiple platforms. Both applications are equipped with security features. These features are used to protect the contents of the document is copied or tampered with. The user can enter electronic signatures to protect the contents.

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What do you mean by the Electronic Signatures?

Electronic signature means a signature that the user can input into the file format by electronic means. This signature is added to the document text by means of a computer program. The advantage of using this signature is that the source of the data or files to be identified.

How to enter Signatures to PDFs and Word files?

There are several methods that are easier to insert a signature into two file formats. In the case of a Word file, you scan the signature image. Save the scanned image on your system and then run Word on the system page. At the opening of Word files, go to the Insert menu, click on the image> From File searching scan your signature file.