What Are the Main Symptoms of Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissues grow and proliferate in areas other than your uterus. The endometrial tissues can grow on your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and even on the intestines and superficial lining of your pelvic cavity.

signs of endometriosis are only apparent when you start to have your period, which is why a lot of women often disregard the first few months of the condition as normal. Once the condition becomes worse, pain will now be unbearable, causing the person to seek medical attention.

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Symptoms of endometriosis often include the following:

– Painful menstruation that increases in intensity during the succeeding months

– Pain that starts from the pelvic cavity radiating to the lower back

– Pain during bowel elimination when the endometrium implants reach the intestines

These symptoms of endometriosis are the common complaint of women who have endometriosis. They can be resolved with the use of NSAID's that are available over the counter. NSAID's help relieve endometriosis pain and inflammation, but does not cure endometriosis.

Endometriosis has no cure, and medical management is geared towards lessening the clinical signs and symptoms. Other medications that can be taken to ease the symptoms are birth control pills that care taken continually without the 7-day break.

If you are taking a birth control pill designed to include 7 placebo pills to help you not miss counting the days, those pills should be eliminated and replaced with regular birth control pills. Other medications include Progestin, Danazol, Gonadotropi- relasing hormone (GnRH) analogues that help relieve symptoms of endometriosis as well as shrink endometriosis implants.