Kidney Failure Treatment without Dialysis

Kidney failure can be set in due to several possible reasons, including long-term use of over-the-counter and prescription medications, illness, exposure to pesticides over a long period of time. Symptoms of kidney failure include vomiting, nausea, chronic back problems and blood or protein in the urine.

Patients can choose an expensive option such as a transplant or dialysis, or for the treatment of kidney failure without dialysis. You can also hire lawyers for truvada kidney failure via online sources.

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Here are some ways to treat kidney failure without dialysis or transplantation:

1. Include these foods in your diet that can be digested easily by the body. The food is beans, nuts, yogurt, seeds, watermelon, papaya, potatoes, and beans. Avoid foods that put pressure on the kidneys to get digested.

2. Certain herbs help in detoxification of the kidneys and improve their health. The plants include juniper berries, Abuta uva ursi, parsley, celery, dandelion, buchu, and red clover.

3. Cranberries: Urinary tract infections can be prevented by consuming cranberry juice. Drink three glasses of eight ounces of cranberry juice to improve the health of the bladder, acidify urine and catch the bacteria.

4. Flaxseed: A lot has been said and written about how effective functioning kidney supports linseed. In fact, flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid, which provides a sufficient amount of support to the kidneys. Both compounds are quite effective in preventing inflammation and clogged arteries.