Advanced Marijuana Rooting Methods

Simple layering

This will only work if you have long, low branches growing on the ground. Make a small shallow hole a few inches deep in the ground half the length of the branch from the main trunk.

Fold the branch down so deep that you can bury it in the center. Scrape the bottom outer part of the stem to bury it. Apply root powder or root gel to the wound. You can also opt for San Bernardino clones for sale at

Press an unfolded paperclip or small piece of hard wire against the center of the branch on the ground to secure and cover it. After about two weeks, the branch will show new growth.

At this stage, you can cut the females and transfer them to your own container.

Care for new cuttings

Over the next few weeks, your new plant will develop its own root system. Remove the propagation cover and inflate the plants daily to ensure adequate ventilation. It's a good idea to drill a few holes in the lid to help with this.

It is also important that these young plants are not watered. The roots need oxygen to grow, so make sure they are properly dried. Feed the plants only water for the first few days, and then feed them a very dilute nutrient mix.

After about two weeks, when you can see the plant's root system growing strong, the plant can be returned to the larger container and replace it in your growing system.

How to clone marijuana! Check out our cannabis seed inspection guide to learn more about the different types of weeds and where to buy them.

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