The Meaning Behind Anniversary Flowers: Symbolism and Significance

Anniversaries are a special time to celebrate a milestone in a relationship. Whether it’s a wedding anniversary or the anniversary of a first date, it’s a time to reflect on the love and commitment shared between two individuals. And what better way to express these feelings than with flowers?

The Language of Flowers

Throughout history, anniversary flowers have been used to convey messages and emotions. The Victorians, in particular, were known for their use of flowers to send secret messages. This practice, known as floriography, assigned specific meanings to different flowers, allowing individuals to communicate their feelings without saying a word.

Traditional Anniversary Flowers

Traditional anniversary flowers have been assigned to each year of marriage, with each flower representing the unique qualities and milestones of that particular year.

Personalized Anniversary Flowers

While traditional anniversary flowers hold special meanings, many couples choose to personalize their gift by selecting flowers that have a personal significance to their relationship. This allows them to create a more personalized and meaningful anniversary celebration.


Anniversary flowers are not just beautiful gifts; they also carry special meanings and symbolism that can enhance the sentiment behind the celebration. Whether you choose traditional anniversary flowers or personalize your gift with flowers that hold personal significance, the act of giving flowers on an anniversary is a timeless gesture of love and appreciation.